
I provide a safe place to explore your work challenges so you are able to provide the best quality service and support to those with whom you work. 

The combination of my CliftonStrengths coaching skills and my supervision training enables me to assist clients to use their strengths in targeted, intentional ways in their work while providing insight into effective ways to manage staff according to their particular strengths.

I maintain a high ethical and professional standard in my own work with on-going professional development, regular supervision and professionally oriented networking.

Supervision is a professional requirement for most people engaged in people-focussed work. It involves regular meetings with a trained Supervisor to explore issues in relation to your working situation in a confidential environment. In this setting you can freely discuss personal responses and areas of doubt and receive feedback, guidance, support and challenge.


My Services include:

Individual Supervision

The primary purpose of individual supervision is to maintain an individual’s professional competence. It can also help to reduce stress, maintain confidence and self-esteem, deal with personal issues that may affect work and help the supervisee develop goals and direction. Supervision provides the opportunity to:

  • Focus on a particular case, project, person or situation that has been difficult to manage.
  • Reflect on trends at work that have been challenging
  • Identify gaps in knowledge or skill that may need filling
  • Plan strategies
  • Seek support or feedback
  • Consider personal or professional challenges or psychological blocks that may be interfering with effective performance
  • Learn and practise new ways of acting and communicating
  • Celebrate success
  • Share life changes that may affect the work and/or attitudes, feelings or behaviours which may impact on the work

Group Supervision

Group supervision can be effective where a number of individuals are performing similar roles and may be working independently. It provides a place to receive support and gain from the experience of colleagues. To identify themes and issues in common and discover solutions together.

Manager/CE Coaching

Managers in all sectors are people who work with people. External supervision (by a range of names) can be a confidential place to explore the big picture, re-gain an objective perspective and reach sound decisions. I use my experience as a manager, a supervisor and a CliftonStrengths coach to work with managers.

My Experience

  • Qualified and experienced external professional supervisor (since 2007)

  • Gallup trained CliftonStrengths coach for individuals (2010) and teams (2011)

  • Experienced Public Sector Manager (2000-2011)

  • Youthworker Coordinator (Wellington Regional Youthworker’s Collective 2006-2007)



In the past decade I have worked with leaders, managers and Boards together with youth workers and pastors, children and family workers from churches, NGOs, and government departments.

CliftonStrengths (aka Strengthsfinder)

I have coached individuals and teams in the public sector, not-for-profit organisations and business contexts. This includes facilitation of over 90 workshops and team coaching sessions and hundreds of individual coaching sessions. I am currently working with managers and team leaders in several government departments.

Management Experience

I successfully led a small team in Archives New Zealand for sixteen years. This role included responsibility for strategic and business planning, budget planning and management, staff management and service delivery. Today I use these skills to help and extend the abilities of the people with whom I have a supervisory relationship.


During my time as Youthworker Coordinator, I ran the Wellington Regional Youthworker Collective (now Youthwork Wellington) and met with youthworkers from all types of organisations throughout the Wellington Region. At the end of the contract I trained as a supervisor and was one of the first supervisors from a youthwork background. I continue to work with youthworkers and youth focussed organisations where I can use my experience to invest into a sector of society I enjoy and care about.




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