Introduction to CliftonStrengths

CliftonStrengths (formerly known as Clifton Strengthsfinder) is a tool developed by Gallup University to identify an individual’s Signature Themes of Talent.

In the early 1950s Donald O Clifton began the study to determine the most natural thoughts, feelings and behaviours of “the best of the best”
He quickly discovered that our talents do more than make us unique individuals.  Our greatest talents also serve as our best opportunities for excellence when they are intentionally leveraged.

Sure, skills are important and knowledge is vital but Strengths requires something more important and powerful than skill and knowledge combined - Talent.
Once we discover the talents in individuals we begin to recognise where investing time and energy, skills and knowledge are best placed to develop that talent into a Strength.  
A Strength delivers a consistent near-perfect outcome. When individuals get to do what they do best, they are not only more efficient, but their engagement increases which has a positive impact on the quality of their work.

How can we develop the people in our organisations?  
How should we manage them? 

By discovering their talents and creating opportunities for them to understand their most natural thoughts, feelings and behaviours, we also discover ways to understand each person’s unique contribution and greatest potential for success. 

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